Sunday, February 7, 2010

When you have to decide on one of your love...

People always tell me you have to set your priorities straight.In fact this a very close friend of mine has always advised me to set my priorities straight.Though I have set them straight for now but still in my heart of hearts I feel "have I done the right thing by quitting?"Not that job is more important than your family or your health but still for me it's not just a medium of earning some bucks that add to your family's income.It certainly is that but more than that for me maybe it has been a way of satisfying my ego,having pride in myself that I have come a long way from where I started ,made my parents proud of me and that this has become possible because of God who has always been beside me and hard work .I still cherish those moments that were part of my success-getting into one of the India's best companies,getting my first onsite and then subsequent onsites ,getting promoted to technical analyst designation.These might sound like a conventional career path for somebody who is an IT person but for me it's been a measure of my success and I take pride in all of them.I know I got swayed from the main topic that of setting straight the priorities thing .So back to the main topic if you happen to live in India and be a female and have big dreams of becoming big in corporate and along with all that you also want to have a happy family life it's not a cake walk...Not that it is impossible but need to compromise on one thing or the other and if you happen to not compromise on either of them it's your health which compromises.I often feel how do you set what people call setting straight the priorities in a situation where you are not medically very fit but still managing office and home and the travel from office to home n vice versa (my major pain area all throughout because it takes an hour even for 20 min travel in peak timings-irrespective of whether it is within gurgaon or from noida to gurgaon)and all this you are doing not because anybody is compelling you to but because this has been your passion and you just don't want to let it go and trying to hold on to everything .In such a situation What if work requires you to travel overseas you definitely can't say yes to it but saying NO to it would definitely hinder your success in more than one ways.My question is "How do you set your priorities straight?" And my answer is you cannot because not everything is black and white .Some like these has shades of grey.Not everything has an answer stating this is my priority because for people like me all of these things have equal priority so how do I pick up one and leave the others.I am and will always be a great fan of my country but there is this one thing which I really like abroad ,work from home feature which many of our Indian MNCs do boast of but when you actually get into them you realise there are very few instances where they let you do that...So for now I have set my priority to be with the ones I love and for a while have quit my another love.:-)

1 comment:

  1. wonderful Karuna!! I cd relate to u in many ways ...yes u are right that we need to set the priorities staright but its easier said than done and u might realise only once you have paid the toll! but I am happy that u are ta peace now and taking a break as u also know that evrything is for good and nothing is impossible!!!!Good job done!!
    Keep blogging will wait for more!!
