We all teach our kids the famous proverb "An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind". But did we ever tell them "A small good done doesn't make you poor".These days a lot of people are talking about world peace and stuff.I often wondered there is so disharmony,so discontentment all around us .People are unable to bring peace even in the small area they are living whether it is the immediate neighbourhood or the family. In fact I think neighbourhood and family comes into the picture much later ,the discontentment and disharmony is there even at an individual level. We have become so materialistic and discontent in this mad race that we forgot to have peace even inside us forget the neighbourhood or the family. But of late I have been noticing something. If you do a small good for somebody it comes back manifold ofcourse we have to change the mentality of helping look like some kind of a status symbol or a pity that you have taken on the other person. The other day I was going through somebody's facebook page where the lady has mentioned in her update how good she was feeling after donating some blankets to the needy. Ofcourse everybody is entitled to their own opinion but I found that update in bad taste.
If we see our parents generation they used to do their bit whether it was a neighbors' daughter's marriage, or a child born in the next house or sending some cooked veggies to an aunt living on the next lane or taking care of the old aunty living closeby. These are a few of the things that I myself have seen my mom doing .And the best part was that these things were so much a part of their lives that they never thought they have done something extraordinary. As a result what happened was they got help whenever in need .So this viscious circle of doing good and getting good in return resulted in happiness and peace inside and around them. How Logical And How simple ofcourse!!!Still at that time nobody did it thinking about logics. It just came natural to them,They were brought up like that. These days those small little things have become difficult and as a result a cause for stress in our minds. Our generation ,as we grew up we also grew apart. Ofcourse the liabilities and responsibilities also grew as we became more technologically advanced. We now don't have the time to do all of those stuff which our moms or grandmoms did. But I guess we still can do our small little bit .How??That our generation have to find out in our own personal surroundings. There is never dearth of opportunities for doing small little good .
If we see our parents generation they used to do their bit whether it was a neighbors' daughter's marriage, or a child born in the next house or sending some cooked veggies to an aunt living on the next lane or taking care of the old aunty living closeby. These are a few of the things that I myself have seen my mom doing .And the best part was that these things were so much a part of their lives that they never thought they have done something extraordinary. As a result what happened was they got help whenever in need .So this viscious circle of doing good and getting good in return resulted in happiness and peace inside and around them. How Logical And How simple ofcourse!!!Still at that time nobody did it thinking about logics. It just came natural to them,They were brought up like that. These days those small little things have become difficult and as a result a cause for stress in our minds. Our generation ,as we grew up we also grew apart. Ofcourse the liabilities and responsibilities also grew as we became more technologically advanced. We now don't have the time to do all of those stuff which our moms or grandmoms did. But I guess we still can do our small little bit .How??That our generation have to find out in our own personal surroundings. There is never dearth of opportunities for doing small little good .
Love what u have said here... So true..