Wednesday, December 30, 2009

My favourite quote-

Defeat the defeat before the defeat defeats you.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Being in love and being practical...

There are times when you are supposed to think practically not bcoz you are supposed to but bcoz you also know that's the right thing or better said appropriate...but still those decisions are hard to follow...Sometimes I feel life is a struggle which everybody is trying to fight in their own little ways just to make ends meet.Meeting of those ends can mean different things to different people...these days for most young couples it's owning a house which they can call home.

I have seen so many young couples staying away from each other for this pleasure.There was a time when I used to see such people I used to comment I would never like to be a part of this league.To an extent I tried my best not to become a part of this...But I guess marriage and time changes many things.It makes you more mature,more practical,more aware of your requirements and things that needs to be done to make what we call "meeting of ends".

Whatever it is still behind that mature behaviour there is a kid who wants to remain a kid getting pampered all the time-throwing tantrums,a teenager who wants to enjoy every moment with the one they love...and don't know what more...

But don't worry it's just 4 months and time flies...:-)

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Not that I am a blogger...or a frequent writer kinds.Haven't ever written anything more than a personal diary...that too on some occassions which I considered significant then, it's a different matter most of them have little significance now...then what inspired me to create a blog...maybe something to hook me for coming few months...