Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Still in quest for real meaning of life...

Is this the midlife crisis. Does it happen with everybody or I am the more lost soul around???With growing years , experience and maturity, the zeal and enthusiasm to live life dies out. There is a certain emptiness that seeps in - one which cannot be described in words but is just there.

I always thought success and money  can replace almost everything but a new awakening - It may not.Six years back I had to leave a successful career  and I thought that was the end of the world for me. But I continued my journey to something more meaningful and satisfying professionally. I thoroughly enjoyed my  stint of entrepreneurship. Not only the material success made me happy but also the fact that I continue to explore different things and be successful in that  .But this is not giving me happiness anymore. Is it the monotony that I want to break free from or am I a wanderer???

I have often wondered about a lot of questions for which I am unable to find an answer- what is my goal in life, why do I keep trying various things whether it is professionally or spiritually, why can't I settle with what is already there and not look for a change every few years. As a part of understanding life better I have attended and did a lot of spiritual practices whether it was Art of Living or buddhist practice too but am unable to find the answers for my questions. But probably my hunt for newer things might take me someday to the true aim and goal of my life.

Till then I am in search of myself  and real meaning of this thing called Life...  

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